What is an 'Elder'?

Rhys Scott takes a look at Elders and church leadership in the Bible. As we work towards having an eldership team in place at Trinity Central, we want to put foundations in place as to how we understand Biblical church leadership, so that we have Godly expectations of the leaders who serve us, and an…

Biblical Leadership

As we at Trinity Central look to put a leadership structure in place in order to care for a growing church body, we want to ensure that we follow God’s model for leading His people, and not the world’s. The nature of the leadership of any body of people determines how that body develops and…

How is the church led?

Over these past weeks, as we’ve worked our way through the letter of 1 Peter, we’ve spent some time looking at the concept of the “priesthood of all believers”. We’ve seen how God gave and anointed prophets, priests and kings to serve and lead His Old Testament people, Israel. We’ve seen how these three roles…

The Priesthood of all believers

Have you ever have caught yourself thinking “The church really should be doing X..” John Wimber once encountered such a situation. He recounts a time when he was approached by a member of his congregation who had met somebody in great need. After the service this man told Wimber of his frustration. “This man needed…

A new command I give you…

Do you remember those little desk toys with the hanging balls – Newton’s Cradles. There was something about them that made them utterly irresistible – you just had to pick up a ball from one end and let it go, and watch as the perpetual motion kept the end balls tick-tock-ticking back and forth, never…

Where do you go to church?

It’s a question which many of us have asked or answered at some time or other. The premise behind the question is that church is something – a service, a building, a meeting – that you attend. You show up, as if to a performance, sit through the designated time slot, then return home to…


I was chatting in church this week with someone who is looking for work, and finding the constant rejections frustrating. “I send off my resume, but I don’t have the specific qualifications or experience they’re looking for, so they dismiss me. I know I’m perfectly able to do their jobs, if they’d just meet me.”…

Peter's Letter

At Trinity Central church this past Sunday we made a start on our series in the letter of 1 Peter, and I’m really looking forward to working our way through this letter together. Peter writes to believers in churches spread around what would now be Northern Turkey, quite possibly churches planted by people who he…

Hope that Sustains

At Trinity Central we are starting a new series, looking together through the letter of 1 Peter. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an…

Receiving the Spirit

Receiving the Spirit

This past Sunday I spoke about the importance of us being a Spirit empowered people and gave opportunity for people to receive the Spirit. Had we have had more time I would have given more attention to demonstrating from scripture all the New Testament occurrences of receiving the Spirit. I thought it might be useful…