While we were away last week I took a bit of time one evening to read through some of the prophetic words given to us about the church plant before Trinity Central started. I was so encouraged by one in particular that I’d like to share it with you:
Last year, in April, when Trinity Central was still very much a dream in our minds, Sara and I travelled to Fredericton to a gathering of Canadian Newfrontiers elders and wives. Our hope was that we would come away from that time with a decision from the church in Fredericton to partner with us in planting the church here in Vancouver. We were so warmly received, and quickly felt a sense that God was joining us. Incidently, this was when we first met Gary and Barb Gallant.
On the Sunday evening at their church prayer meeting Joe Crummey (who leads the eldership team in the Fredericton church) invited Sara and I to tell the story of how God had spoken to us abut planting into Vancouver. Once we had shared, the church gathered round us and prayed for us. A number of prophetic words were shared with us that evening, including a word from Gary and Barb’s son, Joell. The final part of his prophetic word was this: “Also, I had the phrase “full steam ahead” on my heart and I believe it is more than just a call to move forward, but I also think that ‘steam’ is somehow significant. This really seems like a reach, but I feel as though where you will be in Vancouver will have ‘steam’ in the name of it. I’m also praying madly as I type this that I’m not crazy for saying that.”
Well, for those of you who haven’t yet arrived in Vancouver, let me tell you a bit about the building we’re meeting in on Sundays: the Roundhouse was built at the end of the Trans-Canadian railway as a place where the trains would be turned around, serviced and loaded. At the front of the Roundhouse there is a large glass-fronted room which is home to one of the original steam engines that was used on the trans-Canadian railway. While the word ‘steam’ is not in the name of the venue, the prophetic impression that Joell had is incredibly accurate in the sense that the place we are meeting in was once a station for steam engines.
Joell has never been to Vancouver, and we didn’t know of the Roundhouse at that stage. I remember in November seeing the Roundhouse for the first time and thinking that it would be a ideal venue for us, but did not recall Joell’s word. It was only last week while reading through the prophecies that I read Joell’s word and realised that God has gone before us and given us a great venue as our Sunday base. What a great encouragement to us all that God is with us, that God is preparing the way for us, and that He will continue to bless us as we pursue Him and His purposes. We didn’t realize it at the time, but choosing to meet at the Roundhouse was the fulfilment of a prophetic word God had already given us!
I hope this encourages you as it has me!