LifeGroups are the heart of our community here in Trinity Central. It’s here that we make friends, grow together, eat together, pray together and encourage one another. We believe that becoming disciples of Jesus means building deep friendships, and we’re really committed to that.
During the week of the 21-25 January we’re really excited to have some new LifeGroups launching, bring us to five LifeGroups meeting across Vancouver.
The groups will be meeting in Kits, Mount Pleasant, Downtown (two groups) and Burnaby. But though we’ve mentioned geographical parts of the city we’re committed to building relationally, so feel free to go to whichever group you’d like to go.
We’re taking an approach of having the LifeGroups meeting for ten weeks at a time over each semester. This gives some space in the calendar for things like Alpha launches, so we can all participate in those, bringing friends and colleagues, and gives a break to those leading the groups. Of the ten week blocks we’re encouraging people to take the first three weeks to move around and find the group you’re comfortable in. After three weeks we’d encourage you to stay with the group for the rest of the semester to help the groups have consistency. At the end of the semester you’re welcome to move to a different group if you’d prefer to.
Having said all of that, our goal is to build strong, deep, long term friendships, so our hope is that you will find a group through this process in which you can build real friendships, and stay together through multiple semesters.
We’re keen to keep groups to a maximum of 12-14 people so that they genuinely are places where we can develop relationship in a meaningful way, so we’ll be adding groups once these groups are full, and as we’re able to develop leaders for new groups.
We’re so excited about this. We want to be intentional about making disciples and building community. I hope you’ll get stuck into a group, participate fully, and support those who have stepped up to lead the group! May God give us great fruitfulness as we step out together! Feel free to get in contact if you’d like more info on LifeGroups,or if you have any questions.