We had a fantastic day on Saturday as 60 or so interested people gathered to worship God, hear about what Newfrontiers is doing in Canada, and pray for the church plant into Vancouver. It was a hugely encouraging time, with God meeting with us from the moment we started.
The day really was characterised by the presence of God, with many prophetic words, and a truly inspiring sense that God is calling together a team to plant a God glorifying church in that city.
Jeremy Simpkins, who oversees the Newfrontiers apostolic team working into our Northern churches in the UK and Canadian churches, set the scene with a message that we need to see Canada take its rightful place in world mission.
Sara and I shared the story of how God has led us to church plant into Vancouver (if you haven’t heard the story you can read an abridged version of it here) and spoke briefly about our desire to see a beautiful church founded on New Testament values planted in the heart of Vancouver. We dream of a church with its foundation laid by apostles and prophets, a multi-cultural, grace-filled community on a mission together, sharing God’s grace with friends, led by a team of elders who serve and shepherd the people. It’s a church which preaches the Word faithfully and fully embraces the Spiritand which, in due course, seeks to plant churches into other cities. It’s a huge vision, and one which we are confident we cannot fulfil without God’s enabling!
David Fellingham then shared the history of Newfrontiers church planting in Canada over the past thirty years, and shared how God had spoken to him many years back about His heart for Canada.
Gary Gallant, one of the elders in our church in Fredericton, New Brunswick, led us as we prayed. What wonderful prayer times! We prayed passionately that God will pour His Spirit out upon us, and that we will become the church He desires in due course. The prophetic flowed, with Lee Yarborough, Gary & Barb Gallant, David Fellingham and Jeremy and Ann Simpkins and Daniel Duggan all bringing hugely encouraging and significant prophetic words.
We ended with calling those who are already committed to the church plant team together and praying God’s blessing over them. What a day!
And what a privilege it is that God calls us to serve Him and partner with Him in His great purposes!