April sees the transition between our LifeGroup terms. The highlight of this month is our Week of Prayer
LifeGroups on break
Our LifeGroups run for three terms through the year, and in between we have a break. These are not times ‘off’ LifeGroup – but opportunities to spend time together in different ways, such as going out together for an evening, playing games or watching a movie together. The next break will be from 4-18 April. LifeGroups will start up again after the Week of Prayer.
Week of Prayer – April 19-22
Each term kicks off with a Week of Prayer – spending four nights bringing before God everything we are hoping our LifeGroups will be and see! We pray for LifeGroups, as well as for Vancouver and the mission God has given Trinity Central to impact the city with His Gospel.
The prayer meetings during the Week of Prayer are split for different groups of people:
• Tuesday 19 – LifeGroup and Team Leaders; 8pm at the Roundhouse [NB: please note the later than usual start time]
• Wednesday 20 – Men; 7.30pm at 518 Moberly Rd
• Thursday 21 – Women; 7.30pm at the Roundhouse
• Friday 22 – Everyone; 7.30pm at the Roundhouse
We hope that everyone will join us for as many nights as they can.